Church History

"Cast thy bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land."

Thus came the voice of God to Rev. Gloria Ortiz as she lay sleeping late on that cold February night in 1973. Rising up immediately, she went in prayer asking the Lord to open up these words to her.

At that time, she was a member of a large mainline denominational church. A few months prior to receiving this word from the Lord, she had received a life-changing experience at a revival meeting in Upper Hill, Maryland. She was totally healed of what the doctors said was "an undiagnosible sickness which was beyond medical science." Shortly thereafter, she experienced the wonderful baptism in the Holy Spirit in an R. W. Shambach meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

As she prayed that night, the Spirit of the Lord began to show her various needs of the people, needs which were not being met at the local church. He placed within her spirit a burden which has never left her; for people to experience what she herself had received, the fullness of the presence of Christ.

In late summer that year, a decision was made to conduct a two week revival where people from all walks of life could worship the Lord freely in spirit and in truth, and where the gospel could be preached with signs following. A building had to be found in which to meet. There was an abandoned truck stop in Westover which, while it would take a lot of work, looked like a possibility. However, the owner no longer lived in the area and no one thought the property would be available. After a series of divine interventions, the owner was located in Baltimore and agreed to rent the property for one month for $37.50. This was followed by much prayer and work. Old theater seats were found, the building was renovated, cleaned and painted, and finally, in November, all was ready for God to send a revival. He did!! This "two weeks" became four, then five, as large crowds of people gathered nightly. God moved with signs and wonders. There were testimonies of salvation, healing, deliverance, and miracles. The Holy Ghost was on the move and revival fires burned so high they could not be stopped. A long term lease was secured on the building which then became "The Westover Deliverance Center."

A few years later the church moved to Fruitland, Maryland and another rented building. Although the work was founded in evangelistic meetings in 1973, the Lord brought them through many changes as they continued to follow His leading. In 1977 another old abandoned building was found on Allen Cut-Off Road in Fruitland. At this time the building and property were purchased and Rev. Ortiz was called and ordained as Pastor. God continued to work with a small membership of willing people and the old building became the present home of The Cathedral of Deliverance, a church whose purpose is summed up in five words - Magnification, Mission, Membership, Maturity, and Ministry.

At this time God gave Rev. Ortiz a parable of the church which she would pastor. He said it would be like a two-lane highway and as the tide of a river. People would come and be equipped and go out to serve. The tide would also bring in and deposit that which was needful to the church and carry out that which was unprofitable.

Pastor Ortiz realizes that the absolute goal and vision for this ministry is to glorify God. She is keenly aware that it is more important to have a church of committed followers of Christ than simply to have a large membership. We know, too, that if a vision is truly from God, it is one that will push the church toward ends that satisfy Him rather than to meet the standards that result in hosannas from the world. Ours is not a competitive ministry but rather a complementary ministry, knowing that God has a unique plan for Cathedral of Deliverance Church.

As we continue to seek God for the future we are excited about what He is doing. We have plans for future avenues of ministry and are totally depending on Him to lead us as He has in the past.

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